All about cycling

How to make a bike look like a motorcycle?

It’s in our nature to constantly improve and innovate in almost every area of our lives. The ambition that led to the birth and development of continent-spanning nations with contemporary sprawling cities is the same drive that won the space race and resulted in so many land speed records. Our natural thirst for innovation and...

Is Cycling Reduce Belly Fat

With the warmer weather finally here, many of us are dusting off our bikes and looking for ways to get fit. Cycling is a great workout because it’s low-impact and easy on the joints, but can it also help reduce belly fat? Let’s take a look at the research to find out. Yes, cycling can...

Can You Get in Shape Just by Cycling

If you’re looking for a workout that is both low-impact and fun, cycling may be the perfect activity for you. And, it turns out, you can actually get in great shape by cycling alone – no need to hit the gym or lift weights! Here’s everything you need to know about getting fit with this...

How to cycle faster anywhere

Each rider has their own weaknesses and strengths that they deal with on a regular basis. These pitfalls sometimes present themselves when they are cycling at different nature of topographies. You may find a rider who is great or riding at extensive and stable climbs, at the same time they are pugnacious with the short...

Health benefits of cycling

Each individual has a motive to begin biking. Many people start with particular desires in their thoughts, which include improving energy, strengthening muscular tissues, and dropping weight. But even though the bodily benefits are extensively documented, what’s frequently forgotten is the way it enables our mental health. A cycle plan study that aimed at investigating...

Two wheels: a few more arguments in favor of the bicycle

There are many different theories about the creation of the bicycle. Although great-grandfathers differ in functionality and appearance from modern bicycles, the first two-wheeled transport was invented in 1817. Now bicycles are not only a popular pastime, but also help to overcome dozens of kilometers with health benefits. Many people mistakenly think that riding a...

How to brake properly on a bicycle? Techniques, mistakes

We will talk on the example of the most ordinary mountain bike. First we’ll consider the most common mistakes, then some recommendations. Common mistakes when braking on a bicycle Failure or absence of one of the brakes Quite often we see people riding a bicycle, the brakes which are in poor condition, and even in...

What is cadence?

Don’t be intimidated by the name. A cadence is simply the cadence or the number of pedal revolutions per minute. A distinction is made between low cadence, high cadence and optimum cadence. A low cadence is a slow cadence where you have to put more pressure on the pedals to turn them. A low cadence...

How to pedal properly: sorting out the matcha of cycling

We’ve been going to a lot of interesting places on our bikes lately. And each time the bike trips get longer and longer. While we used to ride an average of 8-10km, the route of the last of our trips was 30km. For cycling to still bring pleasure and joy, it is good to know...

Cycling: what it is, history, major disciplines

Cycling: What it is Cycling is a type of physical activity that involves moving around on a bicycle using the movement of human muscular strength. Also cycling is one of the parts of triathlon. The main organization that oversees the sport is the International Cycling Union. It is based in Switzerland. Cycling is also one...